Youths In Balaclava presents their FW24 collection, titled “Souls In Love”

Translated from the poignant verses of Chalino Sanchez's ballad, "Alma Enamorada," this collection pays homage to the indomitable spirit of an individual who, amidst adversity and peril, stood resolute in his commitment to unfurl his truth through the artistry of his soul. It embodies a spirit of "Resilient Defiance". This concept extends beyond individuals; it embraces entire communities that, despite formidable obstacles and relentless opposition, embody strength, persistence, and an unwavering determination to express themselves and etch their essence onto the canvas of the world. It is a jubilation of the potency of art and unity as potent instruments of resistance and expression, confronting adversity head-on. Our collection stands as a testament to our struggle for a voice within the industry, employing unconventional and creative strategies to articulate our stance. Trends are not our focus; instead, we delve deeply into perfecting our craft, using the past as a foundation to shape our present and future. We wholeheartedly embrace a DIY ethos, crafting bespoke, hand-made pieces that not only challenge our past creations but also epitomize our dedication to reusing old or discarded materials, This evolution mirrors fragments of our temporal existence, encapsulating a new perspective on our vision and aspirations. Our paramount focus lies in the reverence for craftsmanship and design, a deliberate deceleration to immerse ourselves in the minutiae of garment construction. As the saying goes, love begets audacious endeavors, and in our relentless pursuit, we willingly compromise on certain facets of life for the sheer love of our passion. We, indeed, are all “SOULS IN LOVE”— a testament to the enduring romance between our creations and the fervent beating of our collective hearts.


Youths In Balaclava, from Singapore striving to create a tribe bound by their collective power to influence culture, not only by thinking - but also doing. They unite to celebrate expression in any way, shape, or form. This vision gave birth to a new modern platform and cultural expression for the brand. Youths In Balaclava strive to combine traditional craftsmanship and innovations that will be useful to their work, learning from artists/craftsmen and mother nature herself. The infrastructure of the brand is supported by pillars that are represented by the four-card suit.

Spades: is the mainline, providing thematic and narrative seasonal collections.
Hearts: focuses on the brand's very own atelier crafting products that vary from accessories to furniture. Diamonds: YIBBandits is a secondary line that is formed to create new channels for the brand to connect with the community that was once a haven for its members.
Clover: all works and miscellaneous projects that express themselves in an independent manner like zines and music.

Barbara Braghin

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